
Discover insights that drive MSP and MSSP success with this comprehensive collection of downloadable webinar recordings covering a range of crucial topics.

Webinar Recordings

SentinelOne Is The Best Cybersecurity Platform, Change My Mind

Explore why SentinelOne stands out as the ultimate cybersecurity platform, whether you're a skeptic or a beleiver, this webinar will give you insights that you can't ignore.

24/7 Cybersecurity: Build or Buy SOC?

MSPs are under increasing pressure to provide higher level of Cybersecurity to their clients. The complexity of the cybersecurity market and the heavy upfront commitment required adds unnecessary risk to the decision to take the leap forward. This presentation covers most recent trends and actionable steps to take that will mitigate risk while going toe to toe with any competition in your marketplace.

The Business Case for MSC: MSPs Leading the Way to Cybersecurity

Understand the crucial role Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and Managed Security Services Providers (MSSPs) play in today's fast-paced cybersecurity landscape.

Securing your business and clients is not just necessary; it's imperative. But how can you ensure your clients are protected most efficiently and cost-effectively? In this presentation, we covered the cyber threats and trends, role of MSPs, the business case for MSC and our unique perspective.

Join the Collective

Stop worrying about ballooning cybersecurity needs and marketing your MSP: Join the MSC community and be part of the solution. Feel empowered to scale and help more small businesses succeed with our powerful solutions. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your business goals.