Why Local MSPs Should Share Phishing Attempt Examples

MSPs Sharing Phishing Attempt Examples

Cybercriminals and cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated in today’s digital world, and managed service providers (MSPs) play an important role in protecting businesses against cyber attacks. One of the most common and dangerous cyber attacks is phishing. We can almost guarantee that you probably have some phishing attempt examples in your junk mail folder now. 

It is essential for the MSP industry to detect and prevent these attacks, and also to communicate the risks to their clients. MSPs can shed light on these risks through their marketing efforts or by simply sharing phishing attempt examples with their clients.

While cybersecurity awareness and the need to share phishing incidents has been a discussion amongst industry professionals for a while, there is a huge opportunity that remains untapped. What is it? The power of visuals.

By leveraging the visual impact of phishing attempt examples as images, MSPs might be able to attract leads, better assist clients and strengthen their overall cybersecurity strategy. 

The MSP Industry: Harnessing the Visual Advantage

We all know the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and it remains true in the cybersecurity world. MSPs handle phishing attempts on a routine, daily basis but fail to utilize the power of visual evidence. 

When an MSP shares screenshots of actual phishing attempt examples, these threats transform from an abstract concept into a tangible reality for clients. It helps clients go from “Well that never happens to us,” to “Oh, we see emails like that daily!” 

Images of suspicious emails, deceptive attachments and links, and fabricated login pages will resonate deeper than a simple description. When you share real phishing attempt examples, it makes the threat more real and clients are more likely to take action to protect their business. 

The CEO of Dragos posted this phishing attempt. An employee of the company received a text-based phishing attempt, which is becoming increasingly more common.

In this example, we see the cybercriminal pretending to be a C-suite executive targeting a new employee, the “executive” claims to need urgent tasks but will likely try to gather financial information, gift cards or other protected company information. The scammer relies on the knowledge that a new employee doesn’t usually have a C-Suite executive’s phone number, making it much easier to fall for. 

Strengthening Client Understanding

Phishing attempts are becoming much harder to spot, because scammers have become much more sophisticated at creating messages that look legitimate. It can be challenging for your clients to determine what email is legitimate and what is a phishing attempt. 

When MSPs share phishing attempt examples in the form of images, their clients are able to recognize common techniques that are used by cyber criminals. The phishing attempt example gives clients a reference point, helping them spot red flags and make educated decisions when handling their emails and other online interactions. 

When your clients have heightened awareness, it empowers them to actively participate in their organization’s cyber security. This reduces risk associated with falling victim to these attacks. 

Bridging the Knowledge Gap

When you share phishing attempt examples in the form of images, you level the playing field for your clients. A lot of businesses do not possess in-depth cybersecurity expertise, which can make it hard for clients to understand some of the nuances of cybersecurity threats. 

Images of phishing attempt examples make the process of education, communication of potential consequences and understanding of the severity easier on MSPs, as you no longer need to rely on jargon. Images help to illustrate the dangers in a more relatable and understandable way. 

Boosting Marketing Efforts

The MSP industry has fierce competition, so when you leverage images as phishing attack examples you’ll give your marketing strategy an edge. You may see MSPs discussing this in their content but they aren’t using images of real attacks to do so. 

Sharing compelling images of phishing emails and websites in your blog posts, social media and marketing materials demonstrates your expertise and commitment to transparency. Your prospective clients are going to be more likely to engage with content that shares real-world visual examples of the threats faced. 

Another benefit of sharing images of phishing examples is that it will position your company as a thought leader in the industry, enhancing your credibility. You can also boost your credibility with a clear and compelling website. Our MSP clients know that using the StoryBrand framework to develop a website helps to create messaging that engages and sells. Much like clarifying to your audience what phishing explicitly looks like, having a clear marketing message increases understanding and the likelihood of conversion.

Building Trust and Rapport

As an MSP, sharing visual phishing attempt examples with your clients is a great opportunity to build rapport and trust with clients. By proactively sharing these examples, it shows that you are invested in your clients’ security. 

When you are proactive about your security education, you create a stronger partnership that focuses on your dedication to your clients’ protection. When you go the extra mile and empower them against cyber threats, clients are more likely to trust you as an MSP. This trust is everything between a client and MSP, as clients want to ensure their data is actually being protected. 

What Should I Share? Guidelines for Sharing Visuals

As a powerful marketing and educational tool, sharing phishing attempt examples as images needs to be done in an ethical and responsible way. There are four easy guidelines to remember:

  1. Protect and anonymize: Images shared should not reveal any sensitive information or compromise the privacy of organizations or individuals.
  2. Permission and consent: Along with protecting and ensuring anonymity, obtain explicit written consent from clients before sharing images of their phishing attempt. 
  3. Educational context only: When sharing images of phishing attempt examples, use them only in an educational way. Focus on tactics used by cybercriminals and how to identify them as phishing attempts. 
  4. Focus on prevention: While educating, it is important to focus on preventive measures. Consider providing easy, actionable tips for clients in order to enhance their cybersecurity awareness skills. 

Differentiating Your Company in the MSP Industry

The cybersecurity landscape continuously evolves: Leveraging the strategy of visual storytelling can set your MSP apart. This makes your MSP stand out as an industry leader, committed to keeping businesses secure against the ever-growing threat of phishing attacks. 

At BigOrange Marketing, we’re passionate about guiding MSPs on the path to success. Utilizing visual evidence is just one of the many ways we help you stand out and make a lasting impact.

Ready to learn more about us? We provide websites and complete outsourced digital marketing plans to help your business get found, get results and get your time back. Schedule a non-salesy call with our marketing strategists for a better way to get leads and start growing your business today. And, if you want another MSP marketing resource, we’ve got 21 marketing ideas for lead generation; absolutely free.

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Managed Services Collective

Managed Services Collective

Empowering MSPs to protect their clients through collaborative cybersecurity